SCH Number 2022050049
Project Info
- Title
- Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project
- Description
- LGAWD Board of Directors in a joint effort with MID proposes to construct the Project. MID’s canal system provides the primary conveyance of surface water in the Merced Subbasin and is the Project’s water source. The Project will construct a critical piece of infrastructure to help LGAWD, and the larger Merced Groundwater Subbasin, become more sustainable through reduced reliance on groundwater pumping. The Project includes improvements, rehabilitation, and expansion of the existing MID canal capacity for approximately 9.8 miles and constructing approximately 4.9 miles of new canal and pipeline infrastructure from MID Booster Lateral #3 to LGAWD. The total Project Area of Potential Effect (APE) is approximately 320 acres. The Project would be completed in three phases. Phase 1 would result in the construction of a new intertie canal from Mariposa Creek to Dutchman Creek. Phase 2 would result in the expansion of existing canal facilities from a point of the MID Le Grand Canal approximately 1.8 miles northeast of Planada and run 9.8 miles south to the MID Booster Lateral #3 at Mariposa Creek. Phase 3 would result in the construction of a new LGAWD pump station immediately south of Dutchman Creek and a new buried pipeline that would cross under the Sante Fe Railroad continuing on private property until it reaches the end of Earl Road. At this point, an open canal would connect to the pipeline and run to a point approximately one mile north of the Chowchilla River, completing the Project. Phases 1 and 3 would result in approximately 4.9 miles of new canal/pipeline facilities. The new canal would create a way for flood flows to be captured, recharged, or used for agricultural demands in LGAWD that would otherwise be lost, introducing a new surface water supply source. The Project would cross Owens, Mariposa, Little Deadman, Deadman, and Dutchman Creeks. To cross these creeks, the Project would result in the construction of multiple new canal siphon structures. Crossing Owens Creek, the Project would use existing infrastructure. In addition, the Project would construct numerous new culverts under existing roadways that the Project would cross, as well as jack and bore activities to install steel casing under the Sante Fe Railroad. Where the Project would cross roadways, a partial lane-split road closure would be used to maintain through traffic during construction. The Merced Subbasin is considered to be in critical overdraft and the Project would decrease reliance on groundwater pumping, energy consumption, and subsidence in the southern Merced Subbasin, while creating a new surface water supply, optimizing recharge, and also providing direct benefits to underrepresented Communities in the Le Grand-Athlone area and the southern Merced Subbasin. Construction of Phases 1 and 3 would last approximately 18 months and have a crew of 8-10 workers, while Phase 2 would last approximately 18 months with a crew of 4-10 workers. Outlined within the figures and overall analyses discussion (found within Chapter 3 of this document) include known funded activities, in addition to future potential Project activities. Project activities are summarized below: Phase 1 and 3: ? Construction of new lined canal ? Construction of new earth canal ? Installation of new 63” Cement Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe ? Construction of new canal inverts ? Construction of new canal banks ? Installation of new 84” CL III Rubber Gasketed Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RGRCP) ? Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP ? Installation of new 84” RGRCP Siphons ? Installation of new 72” RGRCP Siphons ? Construction of a new LGAWD turnout ? Construction of a new spill structures with Creek turnouts ? Construction of a new pump station ? Jack and bore activities, installing steel casing beneath Sante Fe Railroad ? Installation of air vents ? Installation of air release valves ? Construction of new canal drop structure Phase 2: ? Replacement of Booster Pump #3 Station ? Jack and bore activities, installing steel casing beneath Sante Fe Railroad ? Enlargement of earth lined canal ? Construction of new canal inverts ? Removal of 72” Corrugated Metal Pipe, replaced with 84” CL III RGRCP ? Enlargement of concrete lined canal, removal and replacement activities ? Enlargement of concrete lined earth canal ? Installation of new inverts ? Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP ? Removal of culverts ? Installation of new 60” CL III RGRCP ? Installation of new 36” canal turnouts ? Excavation and re-sloping of canal bank slopes for canal enlargement ? Removal and replacement of farm bridges
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Le Grand Athlone Water District | Permit No. 19691: Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project | |
NOD | Le Grand Athlone Water District | Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project | |
MND | Le Grand Athlone Water District | Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project |