SCH Number 2022040353
Project Info
- Title
- Description
- This is a request to rezone two parcels, totaling 13.1 acres, from Planned Development (P-D) (298) to a new Planned Development (P-D) to allow for the development of a truck parking facility for the parking of up to 58 semi-trucks. The applicant is proposing to stripe the existing asphalt area with 58 parking spaces for tractor-trailer combinations and install a new gravel parking lot with 13 spaces for employee parking. The project site is currently improved with the following: an existing 1,200 square-foot office, 2,500 square-foot shop with a 1,000 square-foot awning, 2,600 squarefoot storage building, 11,000 square-foot pole barn, asphalt/concrete parking areas, lighting affixed to the existing buildings 10-20 feet in height, six 40-foot-tall free-standing poles, and six-foot-tall chain link fencing around the perimeter of the site. The office will be used for the storage of documents and a breakroom for employees. The shop will be used for light maintenance including changing tires, visual inspection, and checking fluid levels, which will be open to the public and limited to semi-trucks, by appointment only. The storage building is proposed to be used to store forklifts, load docks, spare parts, tools, and personal or business documents for the property owner. There are no proposed uses for the pole barn. Landscaping is proposed to consist of a combination of trees and shrubs creating a 20-foot-wide planting strip along the entirety of the road frontage. The applicant also proposes to add privacy slats to the existing chain link fencing along the side and rear property lines. No additional buildings or signage are proposed. Lighting will be added to four of the existing poles and the other two poles will be removed. No loading, unloading, or wash facilities are proposed. Both dry and refrigerated trailers may be parked on-site but are expected to be empty. Hours of operation are proposed to be seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a maximum of three employees on-site (on one shift) for the office and shop, and five daily customers for the maintenance services. However, the site will be open to semi-truck operators renting a space through a secured access gate, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although the applicant is proposing a total of 58 spaces, 29 of the spaces are expected to be utilized by long haul operators that will not be accessing the site daily. Accordingly, the applicant anticipates up to 29 operators visiting the site per-day, three employees per-day, five maintenance customers a day, and one weekly vehicle trip for the delivery of parts, for 75 estimated trips per-day. The operators will park their personal vehicles in the spots allocated for the tractor-trailers when the tractor-trailers are in use. The site has access to South Golden State Boulevard and is served by private well and septic system. The site is listed on the EnviroStor database managed by the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control for groundwater and soil contamination, and is considered remediated with the possible exception of a hotspot of hexavalent chromium. The only on-going activity is groundwater monitoring which occurs once per year. P-D (298) was originally approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 19, 2005 under General Plan Amendment No. 2000-09 and Rezone No. 2000-12 – Valley Wood Preserving, Inc., to allow truck, recreational vehicles (RV), equipment parking and storage, office, warehousing and storage within the existing buildings. However, no development took place resulting in an expired Planned Development. Accordingly, a rezone is required in order to approve development of the site. Prior to the P-D (298) zoning, the project site was utilized as a wood preserving facility between 1973 and 1979.
2 documents in project