SCH Number 2022040154

Project Info

Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District, Wastewater System Improvements Project
The Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District is in the process of obtaining a SWRCB CWSRF grant to replace the wastewater system and associated facilities. The proposed improvements will consist of: (1) eliminating two sanitary sewer lift stations and replacing with an 8” diameter open-cut trench gravity main system; (2) lining the two existing treatment plant lagoons with approximately 30,000 SF of synthetic material and a reinforced concrete cap; (3) replacing approximately 1,270 LF of 4” and 6” diameter sewer main (open cut trench) at Easy Bird Road, Garden Lane and Maretta Lane; (4) constructing a new office and lab facility (approximately 768 SF); and (5) installing a fully automated sanitary sewer spray field system.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District Wastewater System Improvements Project
Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District Wastewater System Improvements Project
Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District Mokelumne Hill Sanitary District, Wastewater System Improvements Project