SCH Number 2022040061
Project Info
- Title
- 3600 Alameda Avenue Project Revised Final EIR
- Description
- The Project would construct an approximately 430,000 square foot industrial facility that would be able to accommodate a variety of uses that may consist of manufacturing, research and development, warehousing, or industrial uses. The new facility would include up to 30,000 square feet of accessory office space, 25,000 of which would be split between the northwest corner of the building at the main entrance, the central-northern portion of the building, and the northeastern corner of the building depending on the number of tenants occupying the building. An additional 5,000 square feet of accessory office space would be provided at a mezzanine level. The Project would have a 42-foot clear height with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.42. The Project would include 295 parking spaces in an employee parking lot north and east of the building and a landscaped buffer between the parking lot and the northern Project site boundary. To the south of the industrial building, the Project would construct a loading dock with 48 dock doors and 228 trailer parking stalls. The Project would also include an outdoor eating area adjacent to Fruitvale Avenue for use by project employees and would reserve a parcel in the southeastern corner of the site which could be developed as either restaurant or retail uses in the future. For the purposes of a conservative analyses, Project operations is assumed to include an approximately 10,000 square-foot café/?restaurant at that location. The Project would also make improvements to the site including reconstruction of all sidewalks surrounding the property except those already reconstructed as part of the Fruitvale Alive City project, realign Alameda Avenue to enhance shoreline and Bay Trail access, re open Boehmer Street to create a new connection between 36th and 37th Avenues, and extend 37th Avenue to Alameda Avenue. The Project would create an intersection at Alameda Avenue and 37th Avenue. The potential future extension of East 7th Street by creating a new public right-of-way from Fruitvale Avenue to Boehmer Street for a connection through to 37th Avenue, is analyzed as a variant to the Project. This Project variant was initially part of the Project but was amended to be analyzed as a variant due to the infeasibility of its implementation at this time, as further explained in the Project Description Chapter of the Draft EIR. Project construction would demolish all existing structures and surface parking lots. Construction activities would also include excavation and shoring, foundation and below-grade construction, and building construction including finishing interiors. Project construction is expected to commence in the second quarter of 2024 and occur over approximately 17 months.
5 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | City of Oakland | 3600 Alameda Avenue Project | |
RC | City of Oakland | 3600 Alameda Avenue Project Revised Final EIR | |
FIN | City of Oakland | 3600 Alameda Avenue Project Final EIR | |
EIR | City of Oakland | 3600 Alameda Avenue Project | |
NOP | City of Oakland | 3600 Alameda Avenue Project |