SCH Number 2022030772

Project Info

Oro Grande Cement Plant EMSW Conversion Facility
CalPortland is seeking identification of acceptance, storage, and use of Engineered Municipal Solid Waste (EMSW) at its existing Oro Grande Cement Plant (Plant) in the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan non-disposal Siting Element (Siting Element). CalPortland’s objective is to utilize the EMSW because of its economics, reliability, and benefit of reducing carbon emissions. The use of EMSW reduces the Plant’s carbon footprint by reducing the need to use coal and natural gas in the manufacturing of cement. The EMSW would be used as a supplemental/alternate fuel for the facility’s rotary kiln by feeding material into the kiln and/or the preheater. The facility’s identification within the Siting Element is required for the Local Enforcement Agency to review and issue necessary permits. The Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District has already issued CalPortland an Authority To Construct and Title V Significant Permit Modification for the EMSW Conversion Facility, finding there will be no net increase in emissions from the Project. EMSW will be stored within the Plant's boundaries in a separately permitted building expected to be in operation for the life of the plant operations as shown in Figure 3. Alternatively, EMSW will be temporarily stored within the enclosed trailers it is delivered in, parked onsite in the location of the Alternative Fuels Storage Hall, until loaded directly into the fueling system.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Bernardino County Concurrence in the issuance of a New Solid Waste Facilities Permit for the CalPortland Oro Grande Cement Plant EMSW Conversion Facility, SWIS Number 36-AA-0513
San Bernardino County Oro Grande Cement Plant EMSW Conversion Facility