SCH Number 2022030174

Project Info

TPM21-0008 (Tentative Parcel Map)
A Tentative Parcel Map to divide 19.53 acres into 2 parcels (7.97 to 11.56 acres). Proposed parcel 1 will be served by a private easement and drive off Rod Fox Court, a county-maintained road. Proposed parcel 2 will have access off of Guntren Road, a county-maintained road. Proposed parcel 1 is currently developed with a single-family residence. Domestic water for each parcel would be provided by a well. Wastewater will be provided by onsite individual waste water systems (septic tank and leachfield). The project site is located on the southwest corner Garner Lane and Guntren Road and approximately 300 feet southeast end of Red Fox Court, at 20 Red Fox Court, north and west of Chico. APN: 047-440-065
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Butte County TPM21-0008 (Tentative Parcel Map)
Butte County TPM21-0008 (Tentative Parcel Map)
Butte County TPM21-0008 (Woods)