SCH Number 2022030144

Project Info

Picture Culver City: General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update
The Project is the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive update to the Culver City General Plan and amendments to the City’s Zoning Code to implement the General Plan 2045. The General Plan 2045 would provide a framework and vision to guide growth and development within the Planning Area through 2045. The General Plan 2045, along with the Zoning Code Update, would serve as the basis for planning-related decisions made by City staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council. By law, a general plan must be an integrated, internally consistent statement of City policies. The General Plan 2045 includes the seven required elements under Government Code Section 65302 as well as optional elements. The General Plan 2045 will include the following elements: Land Use and Community Design; Housing; Mobility; Conservation; Noise; Safety; Parks, Recreation, and Public Facilities; Greenhouse Gas Reduction; Infrastructure; Community Health and Environmental Justice; Economic Development; Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy; and Governance and Leadership. (The 2021-2029 Housing Element was adopted in August 2022.)
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Culver City Picture Culver City: General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update
City of Culver City Picture Culver City: General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update
City of Culver City Picture Culver City: General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update
City of Culver City Picture Culver City: General Plan 2045