SCH Number 2022020535

Project Info

Silverado Canyon Road Bridge (No. 55C-0174) Replacement Over Silverado Creek Project
The County of Orange Public Works (County), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), intends to replace the Silverado Canyon Road Bridge over Silverado Creek (Bridge No. 55C-0174). The existing structure was built in 1935 and is a single-span riveted steel through plate girder bridge with concrete deck on reinforced concrete abutments all supported on concrete spread footings. The bridge is 58 feet long and 32 feet wide and carries two lanes of traffic over the Silverado Creek. The bridge cross section consists of two 2-foot-wide combined curb and railing, a 4-foot-wide walkway (north side), as well as two 12-foot-wide traffic lanes. The proposed replacement bridge would be a concrete bridge approximately 58 feet long and 44 feet wide. The bridge would support two 12-foot-wide traffic lanes, two 5-foot shoulders, two traffic barriers, and a 5-foot sidewalk with railing (north side). The Project would require staged construction that always maintains one lane of traffic open during construction. Half of the existing steel bridge would be removed during the first construction phase while the remaining half would be supported on temporary falsework in order to maintain one lane of traffic open during construction. The falsework supports would be supported on spread footings within the creek. The Project would be completed within existing right-of-way; however, a temporary construction easement would be required. Project construction is anticipated to start in 2023 and construction would last approximately 12 months.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Orange County Silverado Canyon Road Bridge (#55C0174) (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-ORA- 23854-R5)
Orange County Silverado Canyon Road Bridge (No. 55C-0174) Replacement Over Silverado Creek Project