SCH Number 2022020375
Project Info
- Title
- MD10A Dublin Plant Storage Tank and Booster Pump Station
- Description
- Installation of an approximately 1-million-gallon (1 MG) aboveground water storage tank, booster pumps, and ancillary equipment associated with previously approved groundwater supply facilities at the existing Dublin Plant site. The storage tank will be approximately 86 feet in diameter and 30 feet tall. The project is located within a 2.18-acre parcel on the south side of Dublin Drive, approximately 350 feet west of Road 37 3/4 in the unincorporated community of Madera Ranchos in Madera County, California (APN# 049-140-020). The MND includes a CEQA Initial Study evaluating the potential effects of the project and concluding that with implementation of mitigation the project would not have a significant effect on the environment.
2 documents in project