SCH Number 2022020315

Project Info

Project Homekey – The Weingart Greenleaf, Whittier
The State's Homekey Program (Homekey), has made funding available for local jurisdictions to purchase hotels and other properties to be used as interim and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness (PEH) who are impacted by COVID-19. In September 2021, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) announced the availability of approximately $1.45 billion of Homekey grant funding through its Round 2 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). In late October 2021, the County's Chief Executive Office (CEO) released a Request for Statement of Interest (RFSI) for the identification of nonprofit or for-profit entities (Corporations) to apply jointly with the County of Los Angeles (County) for the Homekey Round 2 NOFA. Selected Corporations would own and, in some cases, operate properties acquired through Homekey Round 2. The County received more than 30 responses to the RFSI, and identified 11 Corporations with whom to submit applications to HCD by January 31, 2022. Selected Corporations have performed due diligence on the properties to ensure the properties are appropriate for use as interim or permanent supportive housing for PEH, and to support a fair market purchase price for the properties. The State's Homekey Round 2 funds will be used to pay for the cost to acquire, develop, and/or rehabilitate each property. In some cases, a local match will be required to acquire, develop, and/or rehabilitate each property. On January 25, 2021, the County authorized applications for 19 proposed Homekey projects, and found the projects to be exempt from CEQA. This Project consists of a 101-unit motel that will be renovated for permanent supportive housing.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County The Weingart Greenleaf, Whittier
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (DPW) Project Homekey – The Weingart Greenleaf, Whittier