SCH Number 2022020274

Project Info

Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan
The proposed Metro Area Plan is a community-based plan that aims to build off the character and existing assets of each of the seven unincorporated Metro Planning Area communities by identifying opportunities for equitable and sustainable investment while addressing issues and concerns voiced by community members. A primary goal of the Metro Area Plan is to consolidate regulations that currently exist across multiple sections of the Zoning Code and to simplify and streamline land use and zoning regulations in the Project area. The Metro Area Plan would implement land use and zoning recommendations from the recently approved General Plan Housing Element 2021-2029 and considers environmental justice and equity to set forth goals, policies, and programs that address topics such as: the need for affordable housing; strategies to reduce vehicle miles traveled; economic development; reductions to industrial-related environmental hazards; identification of culturally significant landmarks and community practices; and strategies to facilitate and support community-serving green spaces in urban areas. In conjunction with the General Plan, the Metro Area Plan would serve as the primary planning document for the unincorporated communities of the Metro Planning Area.
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Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning LOS ANGELES COUNTY METRO AREA PLAN PROJECT NO.: PRJ2021-004165
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Los Angeles County Metro Area Plan