SCH Number 2022010297
Project Info
- Title
- Lucia Park
- Description
- The applicant has submitted a Stage II Final Design Review application for the construction of a new 294-unit, 24-story multi-family residential building on a 63,760 SF (1.48 acre) project site zoned DSP Gateway District. The proposed Floor Area Ratio is 7.25 and the building height is 266 feet (7.25 FAR and 275 feet maximum by right). The Project includes 373 subterranean parking spaces for the residential use and 129 above-ground, replacement parking spaces for existing commercial bank building, as well as a publicly accessible open space plaza fronting Brand Boulevard and residential amenity spaces throughout the project. No changes are proposed to the existing commercial/bank building at 620 N. Brand Boulevard; this building was identified as a potential historic resource in the 2019 South Glendale Historic Resources Survey and is therefore considered a historic resource under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The existing parking structure and two-story commercial building fronting Maryland Place (625 N. Maryland Avenue) will be demolished. The project complies with all of the development standards and no variances are proposed. A Development Agreement is also being requested for a six-year entitlement period for the project and to lock in the current Development Impact Fees.
2 documents in project