SCH Number 2022010239

Project Info

SMUD 59th Street Corporation Yard Demolition and Remediation Project
SMUD is proposing installation of a full-scale soil vapor extraction (SVE) system to remediate volatile organic compound (VOC)-impacted soil gas, and excavation and disposal of contaminated soil. To access the contaminated soil, multiple buildings would require demolition. The project would include building demolition, installation and operation of the SVE system, and excavation and disposal of contaminated soil. All remediation activities would require approval from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) prior to implementation, to ensure protection of human health and the environment. SMUD is proposing to remediate the site to appropriate risk and exposure levels as determined by DTSC.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD 59th Street Corporation Yard Demolition and Remediation Project Addendum 1
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Interim Removal Action Workplan for Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s 59th Street Former Corporation Yard
Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD 59th Street Corporation Yard Demolition and Remediation Project
Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD 59th Street Corporation Yard Demolition and Remediation Project