SCH Number 2022010135

Project Info

Westgate West Costco Warehouse Project
The project is a Conditional Use Permit to allow demolition of existing commercial buildings totaling approximately 188,265 square feet and the removal of 115 trees (81 ordinance-size trees and 34 non-ordinance-size trees) for the construction of an approximately 165,148-square foot wholesale retail center (“Costco”), including a tire center and associated parking and landscaping within an existing approximately 9.69-gross acre shopping center (“Westgate West Shopping Center”). The project also includes a request for the off-sale of alcohol (Type 21 ABC License – full range of alcoholic beverages) in the CG Commercial General Zoning District.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose Westgate West Costco Project (CP21-022)
City of San Jose Westgate West Costco Warehouse Project
City of San Jose Westgate West Costco Warehouse Project
City of San Jose Westgate West Costco Warehouse Project