SCH Number 2022010064

Project Info

North Paramount Gateway Specific Plan
The proposed Project replaces two existing specific plans - the Clearwater North Specific Plan and the Howe/Orizaba Specific Plan - into a single specific plan, slightly expands the planning area to incorporate additional key parcels along Paramount Boulevard and provides a land use plan to support reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT), sustainability efforts, and economic vitality near the planned West Santa Ana Branch (WSAB) light rail transit station at the Paramount Boulevard/Rosecrans Avenue intersection. The proposed NPGSP would be implemented through a General Plan Amendment that would include identification of the NPGSP and change of General Plan Land Use designations along Paramount Boulevard from Commercial and Multiple-Family Residential to Area Plan. The proposed NPGSP would replace the current zoning standards with customized standards for mixed-use infill development and comprehensive design standards for the built environment. The NPGSP would revise the existing zoning designations and boundaries of Multiple-Family Residential (R-M); General Commercial (C-3); Commercial-Manufacturing (C-M); and PD-PS (Planned Development with Performance Standards) to proposed the NPGSP zoning designations of Multiple-Family Residential, Medium Density (R-M) (distinguished from R-M-HD); Multiple-Family Residential, High Density (R-M-HD) (a new zoning designation per the proposed NPGSP); Mixed-Use, Medium Density (MU-1); and Mixed-Use, High Density (MU-2). The maximum residential density would increase from 22 du/ac to 30 du/ac in the Multiple-Family Residential (R-M) and Mixed-Use, Medium Density (MU-1) zones, and to 40 du/ac in the Multiple-Family Residential High Density (R-M-HD) and Mixed-Use, High Density (MU-2) zones. Maximum building heights and floor area ratio (FAR) would generally remain consistent with current standards, with a 30 to 45-foot height limit and 1.5 to 2.0 FAR maximum for applicable zoning designations. The General Plan Land Use Map designation “Area Plan” would be expanded to encompass the entire NPGSP area. The maximum buildout, which is anticipated to occur in 2045, of the proposed NPGSP zoning would result in 5,044 residential units and 31,171 square feet of retail and office space.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Paramount North Paramount Gateway Specific Plan
City of Paramount North Paramount Gateway Specific Plan
City of Paramount North Paramount Gateway Specific Plan
City of Paramount North Paramount Gateway Specific Plan