SCH Number 2021120333

Project Info

Quantum Limit Vineyards II, Erosion Control Plan #P19-00453-ECPA
The proposed project involves the clearing of vegetation (oak woodland and ruderal land), earthmoving, and installation and maintenance of erosion control measures associated with the development of approximately 4.8 gross acres of vineyard (i.e. development area, proposed clearing limits); approximately 4.1 net acres) within five vineyard blocks located on one 69.9-acre parcel (i.e. project site) (Figure 3). Block V would include approximately 0.3 acre; Block W would include approximately 6,450 square feet; Blocks X1 through X3 would include approximately 4.3 gross acres; and Block Y would include approximately 2,965 square feet. Average slopes within the development area range from 13% to 48% with approximately 0.9 acre on slopes over 30%. Approximately 30 trees with a diameter breast height (dbh) greater than 6 inches are proposed for removal, which includes interior live oak, blue oak, and valley oak. There would be no transport of spoils off-site. Rock that is not used immediately would be stockpiled for future use inside the proposed clearing limits. The vineyard would be irrigated via a drip irrigation system with well water. Proposed wildlife exclusion fencing would fence proposed blocks individually and in clusters where appropriate.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Napa County Quantum Limit Vineyards II, Erosion Control Plan #P19-00453-ECPA
Napa County Quantum Limit Vineyards II, Erosion Control Plan #P19-00453-ECPA