SCH Number 2021120297

Project Info

Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Amendment (SPA21-01) and Community Benefit Plans for Standard Works Project (CBP19-02/19-03)
The proposed Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) would modify the Height Development Standards for Community Benefit Plan (CBP) Tier II applicable projects in a designated 30-acre subarea of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (SHSP) with a maximum building height deviation up to 60 feet. The proposed Development Project involves the redevelopment of two buildings on two adjacent sites within the SHSP with a total building area of 65,061 square feet (FAR = 0.95) and new building heights of 59' 6". This Project will also include construction of a new 766-square foot coffee pavilion and a new 5,000-square foot public outdoor park with seating, picnic tables, shade trees and landscaping.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of El Segundo Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Amendment (SHSPA) and Standard Works Project (SWP)
City of El Segundo Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Amendment (SPA21-01) and Community Benefit Plans for Standard Works Project (CBP19-02/19-03)