SCH Number 2021120214

Project Info

Oakmont Park Tributary Rehabilitation Project
The City of Redlands proposes drainage and erosion control improvements to two Oakmont Stream tributaries and a 600-foot-long segment of the main Oakmont Stream. The tributaries are comprised of a 375-foot-long east segment and a 160-foot-long west segment. North of Oakmont Park, Oakmont Estate Tract No. 15469 was constructed in 2006. At the time, the Project constructed two outlet structures under Sutherland Drive to drain runoff from the residential tract into Oakmont Creek. The improvements included grade control structures consisting of pole check dams set at specific intervals (approximately every 120 feet) to protect the stream bed and mitigate erosion. Previous improvements to the Oakmont Stream began to fail and the stream experienced geomorphic changes that include bank migration and scouring. Of particular concern is the incision of the west bank, lateral erosion of bank slopes, and failure of existing check dams. The rate of erosion threatened to compromise the trail system and wash away several oak trees along the stream in Oakmont Park. The proposed improvements would close the gap between the creek bed and Live Oak Canyon Road, protect the existing trail system and recreational areas of Oakmont Park, improve bank stability, and protect native vegetation. Improvements include the construction of new check dams, rip rap aprons, gabion block walls, and culverts with headwalls.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Redlands Oakmont Park Tributary Rehabilitation Project
City of Redlands Oakmont Park Tributary Rehabilitation Project