SCH Number 2021120187

Project Info

Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
The proposed project would result in the redevelopment of the existing mall through demolition, renovation, and new construction with a mix of commercial and residential land uses. The proposed project would be developed in two phases, and at full buildout is currently proposed to include a total of approximately 217,520 square feet of commercial uses and up to 1,422 residential units, of which 10.5 percent would be restricted to a minimum of low-income households. Phase 1 (also referred to as the 2025 Master Plan) would generally include the demolition of 144,432 square feet of the main building, and construction of approximately 44,380 square feet of new commercial space and up to 922 residential units. Phase 2 (also referred to as the 2040 Vision Plan) would generally include the demolition of the 254,015 square foot Macy’s building and 79,051 square foot Kohl’s building and the construction of up to approximately 55,440 square feet of new commercial space and up to 500 residential units.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project
City of San Rafael Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project