SCH Number 2021120109

Project Info

Knights Landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project
The Project is the repair of eroded areas on the waterside of levees of the 6.25-mile long Knights Landing Ridge Cut (KLRC), a human-made leveed drainage channel, using rock slope protection, and vegetation in some areas, similar to the approach approved by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in their Sacramento River Bank Protection Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Project objective is to arrest or avoid streambank erosion that threatens the integrity of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project levee system. Hydraulic excavators would be utilized at repair locations to remove and reshape existing soil and to place rock and other materials hauled in from commercial sources by truck. Repairs will be implemented in phases over the next 10 years as erosion areas are identified and funding becomes available.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District Knights landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project
Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District Knights Landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. YOL-30145-R2)
Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District Knights Landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project
Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District Knights Landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project
Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District Knights Landing Ridge Cut Erosion Repair Project