SCH Number 2021110414
Project Info
- Title
- Project #U-19-014 (Sangha)
- Description
- The proposed project is a rezone of two parcels, which are both two acres in size from GC (General Commercial) to M-1 (Light Industrial) and design review for the construction and operational use of a four-acre parking area located directly east of the existing Sangha Truck and Trailer Repair site to expand its vehicle parking capacity. The proposed rezoning to M-1 (Light Industrial) is compatible with the existing I/C (Industrial/Commercial) General Plan designation so a General Plan amendment is not required. The proposed site is located at 3971 Railroad Avenue (APN 23-072-034) and 909 Oswald Road (APN 23-072-035), while the existing six-acre semi-truck and trailer repair and storage site operates at 1055 Oswald Road (APN 23-072-039).
2 documents in project