SCH Number 2021110271

Project Info

Village Specific Plan
The proposed Village Specific Plan guides the long-term development and redevelopment of 651± acres along a 1.5-mile segment of State Highway 18, including the Village commercial area and parcels to the north and south. It revises land use designations and sets forth development guidelines in the context of 5 planning Districts to establish a community vision and strengthen the economic health of the Planning Area. Proposed circulation improvements are intended to minimize traffic conflicts, integrate multimodal facilities, and improve access and safety throughout the area.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Apple Valley Apple Valley Village Specific Plan; General Plan Amendment 2021-002; Zone Change 2021-001; Specific Plan 2021-001
City of Apple Valley Apple Valley Village Specific Plan; General Plan Amendment 2021-002; Zone Change 2021-001, Specific Plan 2021-001
City of Apple Valley Village Specific Plan
City of Apple Valley Village Specific Plan
City of Apple Valley Village Specific Plan