SCH Number 2021110250
Project Info
- Title
- Subdivision 9573, 7-lot subdivision
- Description
- The applicant seeks approval of a vesting tentative map to subdivide the approximately 1.98-acre project site into 7 residential lots and two common area parcels that will be bioretention basins for onsite drainage. The proposed 7 residential lots will range in size from 10,366-12,641 square-feet, and the common area parcels will be 2,293 and 2,975 square-feet. The project site is currently vacant. This subdivision includes the construction of 7 residences and retaining walls, improvements to the existing portion of the private road easement, and the construction of the new portion of the private road, as well as sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, and landscaping. There will be approximately 8,200 cubic yards of cut that will be redistributed throughout the project site as fill, as such there will be approximately 16,400 cubic yards of grading total, but no dirt will be imported or exported. The project also includes a tree permit request to remove 40 code-protected trees, and to work within the dripline of 12 additional code-protected trees.
2 documents in project