SCH Number 2021110173
Project Info
- Title
- PA-2100022 - Use Permit to establish a small winery and brewery.
- Description
- Use Permit application to establish a small winery and brewery to be constructed in 2 phases over 5 years. Phase 1 includes the construction of a 4,000-square-foot wine production and brewery building; and a 3,000-square-foot tasting room for wine and beer, with outdoor seating area. Phase 2 includes the construction of a 4,000-square-foot multipurpose building; and a 4,000-square-foot production building. Private services will be provided onsite for water, sewer, and storm water retention. Production wastewater as a result of the winery and brewery operations will be stored in above-ground holding tanks and hauled off-site on an annual basis. The applicant proposes an alternative surfacing material for the driveway, maneuvering areas, and parking areas. The existing single family home and agriculture structures will be demolished as part of Phase 1. (Use Types: Wineries & Wine Cellars – Winery, Small; Agricultural Processing – Food Manufacturing). Proposed events per calendar year are as follows: a maximum of 12 marketing events with up to 120 attendees per event, a maximum of 60 small scale accessory events with up to 80 attendees, and 4 wine release events with up to 120 attendees at any given time. Amplified music is not proposed for any events.
2 documents in project