SCH Number 2021110140

Project Info

Crooked Creek Residential Subdivision
The proposed residential project includes the development of seven single-family residences and associated infrastructure including a southward expansion of the existing Crooked Creek Drive at a 12.9-acre undeveloped site. Five of the seven residential structures are proposed to include an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. The following entitlements are being requested: 1. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 54081 to subdivide the subject property into nine parcels for the following purposes: seven (7) single-family residential lots; one lot designated for the roadway (i.e., southwesterly extension of Crooked Creek Drive); and one lot which includes a maintenance access and approximately 10.4 acres of preserved open space area. 2. Development Review of the proposed architecture and landscape design in compliance with all applicable Development Code standards and design guidelines. 3. Tree Permit to remove 62 existing protected trees consisting of 58 Southern California black walnuts and four coast live oaks, and to replace them at a 3:1 ratio with 201 Southern California black walnuts and 12 coast live oaks, totaling 213 replacement trees to be planted on-site. 4. Conditional Use Permit to approve development on a site subject to a Planned Development overlay district and allow modifications to the retaining wall height limit to allow a maximum of 17 feet (where 6 feet is the maximum allowed), reduce the front setback for Lots 4 and 5 to 14 feet and 13’-9” (where 20 feet is required), and reduce the minimum lot size for Lots 1 and 3 to 8,294 square feet and 8,482 square feet (where 10,000 square feet is required).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Diamond Bar Crooked Creek Residential Subdivision
City of Diamond Bar Crooked Creek Residential Subdivision