SCH Number 2021100570

Project Info

Camp Far West Hydroelectric Relicensing Project
The SSWD owns and operates the Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project. SSWD is seeking a new license from FERC with a term of 50 years to continue operating the Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project. As part of the proposed approval of the new FERC license, SSWD is proposing five project components: Modify the FERC Project boundary; Implement a new flow regime; Implement environmental measures; increase the height of the Camp Far West Spillway by 5 feet to raise the maximum reservoir elevation of the Camp Far West Reservoir; and Rehabilitate, replace, and relocate recreation features.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
South Sutter Water District Camp Far West Hydroelectric Relicensing Project
South Sutter Water District Camp Far West Hydroelectric Relicensing Project
South Sutter Water District Camp Far West Hydroelectric Relicensing Project