SCH Number 2021090588

Project Info

City of Agoura Hills General Plan Update
The project is the adoption of the General Plan Update of the City of Agoura Hills, which includes the 2021-2029 Housing Element, and related updates to the Community Conservation and Development, Community Safety, Infrastructure and Community Services, and Natural Resources Elements (the “General Plan Update” or “GPU”) and adoption of land use and zoning regulations (i.e., Agoura Hills Zoning Code and Specific Plan amendments) and the corresponding amendments to the Zoning Map to create and implement the Affordable Housing Overlay District (“AHO”). The Housing Element requires amending General Plan land use designations on some of the proposed Housing Element opportunity sites, which requires revisions to the Land Use & Community Form section of the Community Conservation and Development Element and Land Use Map, along with a re-zoning program and conforming Specific Plan Amendments. The Community Conservation and Development Element is also being amended to reflect the City’s new Sphere of Influence (SOI), which includes additional areas beyond the City limits. In addition to the Housing and Community Conservation and Development Element updates, the City is required to make other changes to the General Plan in response to recent state legislation, including goals and policies for wildland and urban fire hazards, flood hazards, a climate change vulnerability assessment, and climate change adaptation and resiliency strategies in the Community Safety Element. Additionally, the City recently adopted Transportation Study Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in July 2020. Goals and policies are updated to reflect the use of VMT methodology when assessing development project traffic under CEQA, per state requirements, in the Mobility section of the Infrastructure and Community Services Element. Policies and text in the Natural Resources Element relating to air quality and the location of certain housing opportunity sites along major traffic corridors are being updated.
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City of Agoura Hills City of Agoura Hills General Plan Update
City of Agoura Hills City of Agoura Hills General Plan Update