SCH Number 2021090541

Project Info

Graff Valley RV Park Resort & Annexation Project
Grass Valley RV Park Resort - Sphere of Influence Amendment, Annexation, Pre-zone. Development Review and Use Permit of approximately 45 acres. Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation - The Sphere of Influence Amendment will add the RV Park Resort property in the City's Sphere of Influence and re-designate the project area from the City's Long-Term to the Short Term. The property includes the entirety of the ±45 acres identified as Annexation Areas 1 -3. Annexation Area 1 consists of ±41 acres; Annexation Area 2 consists of ±2 acres; and Annexation Araa 3 consists of ±2.21 acres. Pre-zone - The City of Grass Valley has a General Plan land use designation of Office Professional (OP) for the entirety of the ±45 acres. A Pre-zone of Corporate Business Park (CBP) is proposed for the 20-acre RV Paik Resort property identified as part of Annexation Area 1. A Pre-zone of the properties is proposed to the Neighborhood Center NC-Flex) Zone for approximately half of Annexation Area 1 and all of Annexation Areas 2 and 3. No development is proposed for these properties. Development Review and Use Permit - In the CBP Zone, A Development Review Permit is required for the site planning and architectural design of the RV Park. A Use Permit is also required for RV Parks in the CBP Zone. The Grass Valley RV Park consists of a 150 space Recreational Vehicle (RV) park with 15 "glamping" spaces for short term camping on 20 acres (APN: 007-550016), The RV Park Resort and Annexation Project properties are located at 11425McCourtney Road and ±25 acres generally located south and east of McCourtney Road.
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City of Grass Valley Grass Valley RV Park Resort and Annexation Project
City of Grass Valley Graff Valley RV Park Resort & Annexation Project