SCH Number 2021090404
Project Info
- Title
- Wasco State Route 43/State Route 46 Intersection Improvements
- Description
- The project would construct a single-lane roundabout on a two-lane roundabout footprint at the east junction intersection of State Route 43, State Route 46 and J Street. The diameter of the roundabout would be 180 feet. The single-lane roundabout would be designed to accommodate Surface Transportation Assistance Act vehicles (large trucks), and a truck apron is proposed to enable Surface Transportation Assistance Act vehicles to maneuver through the roundabout. The central and splitter islands would be primarily hardscaped to minimize maintenance activities and worker exposure to moving traffic. A proposed drainage system would be composed of drainage inlets along the outside flowlines of the roundabout intersection legs to convey stormwater to the State Route 46 pump house basin southwest of the roundabout. This basin was built by the adjacent California High Speed Rail State Route 46 Widening project and has adequate capacity for the roundabout drainage needs. Installation of a lighting system, flashing beacon system, and traffic monitoring station would be included in the project. The project would include a 10-foot-wide shared-path sidewalk and a 5-foot buffer to accommodate pedestrians and bicycle passage away from the roundabout traveled way.
2 documents in project