SCH Number 2021090175

Project Info

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program
The proposed VMT Mitigation Program aims to establish mitigation for projects that exceed the City’s VMT thresholds in the form of a mitigation impact fee. The program identifies relevant transportation demand management (TDM) strategies and VMT-reducing projects within the City to be funded by the impact fee. The impact fee was calculated based on the cost to implement identified VMT-reducing improvements and programs divided by the projected growth in Citywide VMT. The maximum allowable mitigation fee per VMT is $425. These funds would be utilized to fund active transportation infrastructure projects in the City to help the City meet its VMT reduction goals. The overall intent of the program is to streamline the Senate Bill 743 compliance process for development projects while funding future VMT improvement projects to reduce Citywide VMT.
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City of Lancaster Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program
City of Lancaster Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Program