SCH Number 2021080569
Project Info
- Title
- Use Permit Application No. PLN2021-0012 - West Main Compost
- Description
- Request to operate a composting facility on a 23.5-acre portion of a 47.82-acre parcel in the A-2-40 zoning district, with the end user being Starkey Farms, a nearby farm that produces alfalfa, corn, and almonds. The facility will receive a maximum of 140 tons of feedstock per day, which will consist of a combination of landscape residue, vegetative food material, and green waste. Up to 778 cubic yards of feedstock, 10,888 cubic yards of in-process compost (active and curing), 500 cubic yards of amendments (gypsum and micronutrients), and 300 cubic yards of finished product are expected on site at one time. The facility will operate Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. The applicant anticipates three full time employees on one shift, one mechanic on site two days a week, and one manager on site one day a week. On site equipment, which will be portable but remain on site, will consist of a grinder, front end loader, trommel screen, and water truck. No structures are proposed as part of this request. Up to 20 incoming truck deliveries of feedstock and three outgoing truckloads of finished compost are expected per day. The feedstock will be separated at local municipal solid waste (MSW) haulers transfer stations consistent with CalRecycle specifications before arriving at the site. The feedstock will be delivered by 20-yard dump trucks, which will be weighed, then the feedstock loads will be dumped for inspection at the feedstock unloading zone, which is anticipated to be on engineered fill (compacted CLII AB road base). Loads that contain greater than 1% contamination, by dry weight, will be rejected. Once the feedstock has passed inspection, material unloaded, and any contaminants removed, it is fed into a grinder by a front-end loader and stockpiled for up to seven days, before being formed into eight-foot-high aerated static pile (ASP) compost piles by front-end loader, located on a 20,000 square-foot concrete slab with embedded aeration piles and nozzle assemblies. Water will be added to the piles by water truck to achieve proper moisture content. Up to 27,500 square-feet of active composting material is expected on the ASP slab at one time. Aerated static pile compost piles are constructed over a network of aeration pipes and induce airflow into the pile using an electric blower that is operated in conjunction with a pile temperature control system, cycling air into the pile. After 30 days, the piles are moved to two curing piles each approximately, 135 x 60 feet in size and eight-feet-high, located on engineered fill, for 20-30 days. Up to 20,000 square-feet of material is expected to be curing at one time. Once the curing period is complete, the finished compost is filtered via portable diesel-powered screening equipment, amendments added, loaded onto trucks, and delivered to the end user. The operator intends to utilize a water truck for dust control and to cease grinding operations when wind exceeds 20 mph. Constant temperature monitoring and an onsite water tank with pump will be utilized for fire prevention and control. Vectors are expected to be controlled by applying the best composting practices, which include appropriate carbon to nitrogen ratio, sufficient moisture content, and adequate aeration to interrupt the fly cycle. Additionally, the applicant will utilize parasitic wasps, traps, and commercial pest control services if necessary. The project proposes one new well for fire suppression water and to utilize portable restrooms for the employees. No septic systems are proposed. Other proposed improvements include a five-foot-tall berm with 3:1 slopes and a chain link fence with fabric around the perimeter of the operation. Trees are proposed along the northern perimeter line. A composite lined storm water detention basin will handle any run off and the water will be recycled and used on the ASP curing pile. The project site has access to County-maintained W West Main Street.
2 documents in project