SCH Number 2021080508
Project Info
- Title
- GPA-2021-0001: General Plan Amendment to Update the Housing Element for the 2021-2029 Planning Period
- Description
- The project consists of a comprehensive update to the 2013-2021 Housing Element, which comprises Chapter 4 of the Simi Valley 2030 General Plan (adopted in 2012), and maintain internal consistency of the General Plan Elements (inclusive of Community Development, Safety, and Environmental Justice), map amendments and zone changes. To comply with State law, the City's Housing Element must be updated every eight years to ensure the City's policies and programs can accommodate estimated housing growth allocation identified by the State-determined Regional Housing Needs Assessment. The project is located at selected sites citywide. The list of these specific sites can be found in the Draft Housing Element at, and in the Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration.
2 documents in project