SCH Number 2021080049
Project Info
- Title
- Markham Street Truck and Trailer Storage Facility
- Description
- Truck Terminal Properties, LLC (Applicant) is requesting approval of a Specific Plan Amendment, a Parcel Merger and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for construction and operation of a truck and trailer storage facility to include a 700 square-foot single-story guard shack, 247 14-foot by 55-foot trailer stalls, three passenger car parking spaces and one handicap accessible parking space on a 9.5-acre property described as APN: 302-110-031 & 032. The Specific Plan Amendment is to change the land use designation of the Project Site, which is currently designated as Business Professional Office (PBO), to Light Industrial (LI) allowing for activities including manufacturing, research, warehouse and distribution, assembly of non-hazardous materials and retail related to manufacturing. Site improvements would include a mix of screen walls, block walls, signage, landscaping, and a storm water retention basin. Access to the Project Site would be provided by a 60-foot driveway at Markham Street. The Project would provide parking for local trucks and fleets. Truck drivers will either be picked up or dropped off by passenger cars. The Project will operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week although security guards are not anticipated to be present 24 hours a day. Restroom facilities would be provided for both guards and truck drivers 24 hours per day.
2 documents in project