SCH Number 2021070443
Project Info
- Title
- 6th Cycle Housing Element
- Description
- The proposed project includes the adoption of the City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element. As an element of the Davis General Plan, and in accordance with the California Government Code, the Housing Element presents a comprehensive set of housing policies and programs to address identified housing needs for the City of Davis. The 6th Cycle Housing Element update corresponds to the planning period of May 15, 2021 to May 15, 2029, and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) projection period of June 30, 2021 to August 31, 2029. It replaces the 5th Cycle Housing Element corresponding to the planning period of 2013-2021. Adoption of the Housing Element would require approval of a General Plan Amendment by the City of Davis City Council. In addition to adoption by the City of Davis City Council, the 6th Cycle Housing Element must be certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The approval of the City of Davis 6th Cycle Housing Element would enable the City to preserve, improve, and develop housing for all incoming segments of the community and show how the City intends to meet the RHNA numbers assigned by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). The RHNA for the City of Davis includes a total of 2,075 housing units consisting of 580 very low-income units, 350 low-income units, 340 moderate-income units, and 805 above moderate-income units. However, the proposed project does not include any physical development of housing identified in the Housing Element. Therefore, physical changes to the environment would not directly result from project approval.
2 documents in project