SCH Number 2021070297
Project Info
- Title
- 800 - 803 Belmont Avenue Residential Project
- Description
- The proposed 800-803 Belmont Avenue Residential project is comprised of a 125 unit, 100-percent affordable multifamily structure. The project would be affordable at the low income and below levels. The project proposes the demolition of the existing Bel Mateo Motel, considered to be an eligible historic resource for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources, and the construction of a multi-family structure eight stories in height. However, the structure would be terraced as it extends up the site from El Camino Real to the west, with each terraced level not exceeding six stories. The project site is known as the Bel-Mateo Motel and a vacant parcel with frontage on El Camino Real. The site is situated on two parcels with a combined size of approximately 1.5-acres. The site is approximately less than one-half (0.5) mile of the Belmont Caltrain station. The project includes onsite amenities, recreation and landscaped areas, and parking.
3 documents in project