SCH Number 2021070147

Project Info

Pennsylvania Avenue Widening
The Project proposes to widen and add two additional lanes to Pennsylvania Avenue, between 1st Street and 6th Street, consistent with the City of Beaumont General Plan Roadway Classification. Improvements would be within existing right-of-way except for areas requiring easements for stormwater infrastructure and temporary construction easements for property frontage improvements and minor utility relocations. Improvements to the existing Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) at-grade crossing and I-10 Freeway ramp terminals within Caltrans right-of-way would be made. Pedestrian access with a new sidewalk would be provided for the length of the Project on the west side and impacted intersections would be brought up to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Construction would occur in three estimated phases: storm drain and utility relocations and widening to the north and south of the UPRR tracks (4 months); temporary closure of the at-grade UPRR crossing to construct improvements (1 month); construction within the center of the roadway north of the tracks and final paving (3 months).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Beaumont Pennsylvania Avenue Widening Project
City of Beaumont Pennsylvania Avenue Widening