SCH Number 2021050550

Project Info

Lower Fawn Drive Sewer Rehabilitation Project
The Ross Valley Sanitary District (RVSD ) Lower Fawn Drive Sewer Rehabilitation Project (Project) entails the construction and rehabilitation, within the existing alignment, of approximately 1,550 linear ft of sanitary sewer mains and related appurtenances within the unincorporated community of Sleepy Hollow, located within the County of Marin. The Project site encompasses approximately 0.6 acres and the total area disturbed would be approximately 8,500 square ft. The Project would include rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains in the lower section of Fawn Drive and involve: (1) replacing approximately 780 linear ft of 6-in. vitrified clay pipe (VCP) with 8-in. polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe via open cut methods and (2) replacing approximately 770 linear ft of existing 6-in. VCP with 8-in. high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe via pipe bursting methods. Work would also include the rehabilitation of four existing sanitary sewer manholes. Depth of excavation is projected to range from approximately 5 to 12 ft. The primary objective of this Project is to provide needed capacity and correct defects downstream of improvements constructed in fall 2020 to relieve hydraulic and structural deficiencies and reduce groundwater infiltration with aging RVSD infrastructure. This portion of the system was originally installed in the 1940s and contains numerous structural and operation and maintenance (O&M) defects, with several pipes currently assigned to a 3-month cleaning frequency. Construction is expected to begin in late summer 2021 and is anticipated to be completed by October 2021. Work hours will generally be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for all work occurring along Fawn Drive.
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Ross Valley Sanitary District Lower Fawn Drive Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Ross Valley Sanitary District Lower Fawn Drive Sewer Rehabilitation Project