SCH Number 2021050375

Project Info

Tentative Tract Map 82636 Major Modification No. 1
A major modification to TTM 82636 to phase the subdivision of approximately 21 acres and reduce the overall number of parcels from 42 to 40 with one lettered parcel.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Palmdale Site Plan Review 19-003 Time Extension
City of Palmdale *WITHDRAWN PER LEAD* Site Plan Review19-003 TE
City of Palmdale Minor Modification 22-018
City of Lancaster : Strata West Palmdale Apartments and Strata Commons Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2081-2021-055-05 (ITP))
City of Palmdale Tentative Tract Map 82636 Major Modification No. 1