SCH Number 2021050238

Project Info

Dunnigan Water District Water Transfer Project
DWD is an independent special district formed in 1956 by landowners in the Dunnigan area to access the Central Valley Project (CVP) water through the soon to be built Tehama-Colusa Canal. The DWD was formed in 1956 to provide a means of bringing Central Valley Project water from the Tehama Colusa Canal into the Dunnigan area. The District provides non-potable water for irrigation purposes through a gravity-fed system. Its service area encompasses approximately 11,000 acres. The DWD provides irrigation water and some landscaping water to its Dunnigan customers. The District maintains its 26 miles of underground pipeline and delivery outlets at property owners and the canal turnouts. The District’s water source comes from Shasta Dam at the Red Bluff Diversion. The District has a service contract with the Department of Interior for 19,000 acre-feet. The District receives an annual notification water allocation based on Shasta Dam levels and environmental requirements. Water purchased by DWD to be transferred in this Project would be used for agricultural beneficial use, offsetting water that would otherwise be pumped groundwater. Water would be transferred from nine entities located within Yolo, Sutter, and Colusa Counties to DWD through existing conveyance facilities. The water transfer agreements would allow yearly transfers, commencing on April 1 through October 31, each year and can be extended for up to four (4) years until 2025. The water transferred is all “Project Water” (Article 3E) from their Settlement Contract and would be transferred using existing water conveyance infrastructure and no construction activities would be required as a result of the Project. Additionally, there would be no operational or maintenance changes as a result of the Project.
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Dunnigan Water District Water Transfer Project
Dunnigan Water District Dunnigan Water District Water Transfer Project