SCH Number 2021040328

Project Info

Salem Street Bridge Replacement Project
The proposed Project will replace the existing bridge along the same alignment as the existing structure. The new bridge will accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes, 5-foot bike lanes and 6-foot sidewalks. The profile will be lowered slightly, while maintaining the same bridge soffit elevation as the existing structure. The new bridge is anticipated to be a single-span cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete slab, approximately 70 feet long. Construction of the bridge will involve excavation for and construction of concrete abutments, situated on deep foundations. Other temporary work within Little Chico Creek includes removal of the existing structure, falsework erection and removal, and installation of scour countermeasures at the abutments. Construction of the roadway approaches will involve removal of existing pavement and placement of aggregate base and hot mix asphalt pavement. New curb, gutter and sidewalk will be constructed on the approach roadways and will connect with the existing pedestrian facilities on Salem.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Chico Salem Street Bridge Replacement Project (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. BUT-27468-R2)
City of Chico Salem Street Bridge Replacement Project
City of Chico Salem Street Bridge Replacement Project
City of Chico Salem Street Bridge Replacement Project