SCH Number 2021030332
Project Info
- Title
- Housing Element Update (Sixth Cycle: 2021-2029) Negative Declaration/Initial Study
- Description
- The City is required by State law to periodically update its Housing Element, a mandatory component of the City’s General Plan. The proposed update to the Housing Element constitutes the sixth such update and covers the Sixth Cycle planning period from April 15, 2021 to April 15, 2029. As the proposed update would supersede the existing Housing Element (Fifth Cycle), the update is considered a General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 2019-2). The Housing Element is the City’s main housing policy and planning document that identifies housing needs and constraints, sets forth goals, policies and programs that address these needs and constraints in accordance with State housing law, and plans for projected housing needs for all income levels over an eight-year planning period that coincides with a Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA).
2 documents in project