SCH Number 2021030298

Project Info

Sheldon Grove Project
The Sheldon Grove Project (project) would include subdivision of the Project site into 123 single-family residential lots and three landscape corridor lots located along the Project site frontages at Sheldon Road and Power Inn Road, along with construction of necessary utility improvements to serve the proposed residences. The Project would also include improvements to Sheldon Road, wherein the median would be reconstructed to provide a left-turn lane. The Project would be accessible by Sheldon Road and by Power Inn Road. Implementation of the Project would require a General Plan Amendment to change the site’s General Plan land use designation from CC to Low Density Residential (LDR); a Rezone to change the site’s zoning designation from GC to Low-Density Residential, seven dwelling units per acre (RD-7); a Tentative Subdivision Map; and a Subdivision Design Review with a Deviation for a reduced landscape corridor of 21 feet on Power Inn Road.
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City of Elk Grove Sheldon Grove Project
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