SCH Number 2021020314

Project Info

Pointe Fair Oaks Apartments
A Development Plan Review to allow 26 apartment units in four two-story structures on approximately 1.36 acres in the commercial district subarea of the Fair Oaks Village SPA A Special Development Permit to allow: A reduction in the minimum side street yard setback (Sunrise Boulevard) from 25 feet required to 2 feet proposed; A reduction in the minimum multifamily detached open space requirement of 30 percent required to 26 percent proposed; A reduction in the minimum trash enclosure setback from a public street (Howard Street) of 31 feet required to 14 feet proposed; Deviation from the required 8-foot-wide landscape planter with street trees along the project site’s frontage and setback areas on Fair Oaks Boulevard, Sunrise Boulevard, and Howard Street; A Design Review to comply with the Countywide Design Guidelines. The project will improve Howard Street along its frontage and will increase the pavement width in the area from Villa Court to the project to 18 feet.
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Sacramento County Pointe Fair Oaks Apartments
Sacramento County Pointe Fair Oaks Apartments