SCH Number 2021020107

Project Info

Oat Hill Multi-Family Project
The proposed project would involve development of a multi-family residential community of 291 multi-family residential units, as well as construction of a community loop trail, outdoor seating area, pool, and on-site as well as off-site parking spaces. In addition, a new sidewalk would be constructed along the project frontage of Napa Junction Road. A new section of Napa Junction Road would be constructed between two disconnected segments east and west of Hess Road. The extension of Napa Junction Road would remove several trees. In addition, as part of the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) #W11, the project applicant would coordinate with the City to up-size the existing eight-inch water line to 12 inches. Development of the project would require approval of a General Plan Amendment, rezone, and Tentative Map.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of American Canyon Russell Square Oat Hill Residential Major Modification (File No. PL24-0009).
City of American Canyon Oat Hill Project NOD
City of American Canyon Oat Hill Multi-Family Project