SCH Number 2021020011
Project Info
- Title
- Sunset Crossroads Project
- Description
- The Sunset Crossroads Project (Project) envisions the development of up to 268,400 square feet of medical office, professional office, education, recreation, and commercial uses, a travel center with refueling uses, and a 125-room hotel on 47.9-acres area; and up to 5,545,000 square feet of industrial uses (including up 330,000 square feet of cold storage uses) on 392.0 acres of the site. The Project includes a General Plan Amendment and Zone Changes amending the land use designations on-site to General Commercial (GC), Industrial (I), Open Space – Parks (OS-P), and Open Space – Resources (OS-R). Approximately 65.6 acres of the Project site is retained as Open Space - Resources and Open Space – Parks use, including a five-acre passive park. Approximately 253.7 acres of the site are located outside within the City’s sphere of influence (SOI); therefore, the Project envisions annexation of this area into the city. The project would result in the reduction of the City’s residential capacity by a maximum of 1,146 units on the Project site. An approximately 49.2-acre site located east of Sunset Avenue and south of Westward Avenue (the MSJC Site) has been identified to accept the transfer of residential capacity from the Project site. This Draft EIR programatically address a General Plan Amendment and rezoning of the MSJC Site to Very High Density Residential, allowing the residential density transfer. No residential development is envisioned at on the MSJC Site at this time. The Project site encompasses APNs: 537-110-003 thru -005, 537-110-011 thru -014, 537-120-013, 537-120-025, and 537-120-028 thru -036. MSJC Site encompasses: APNs: 537-140-004, 537-140-006 through -012, 537-150-001, 537-150-003 and -004, 537-150-008, and 537-140-001 through -003.
2 documents in project