SCH Number 2021010163
Project Info
- Title
- Proposed Multi-Tenant Industrial Warehouse Project (CRA No. 912)
- Description
- The Applicant (LDC Industrial Realty, LLC) is requesting a Commission Review and Approval (CRA 912) to construct and operate a 179,400 square-foot multi-tenant industrial warehouse, Demolition Permit No. 339 to demolish a single-family residence, and approval of Lot Line Adjustment No. 656 to merge two parcels. The Project would occur on a 9.01-acre site located on New Jersey Street. The Project Site is designated Commercial/Industrial as identified in both the City of Redlands’ General Plan and the East Valley Corridor Specific Plan. The northern parcel (APN No. 0292-154-09) was the former Bracken Bird Farm, which closed in March 2018 and is currently vacant. The southern parcel (0292-154-21) contains a single-family residence. The Proposed Project includes a 179,400 square-foot warehouse building, office space totaling 5,000 square feet and 19 loading truck docks. The Project would include approximately 60,731 square feet of landscaping along the boundaries of the site. The maximum height of the warehouse would not exceed 50 feet.
2 documents in project