SCH Number 2021010142

Project Info

Best Development Grocery Outlet Initial Study
BRR Architecture (Applicant) is proposing to construct a Grocery Outlet (retail store) on a 1.63-acre Site located at 825, 845, and 851 S. Franklin Street, Fort Bragg, and identified by Assessors Parcel Numbers (APNs) 018-120-47, 018-120-48, and 018-120-49 (Site). The Site is located in the Coastal Zone within the City of Fort Bragg city limits. The project requires a coastal development permit, a design review permit, and a lot merger.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fort Bragg Best Development Group Grocery Outlet Initial study NOD
City of Fort Bragg Best Development Grocery Outlet Initial Study
City of Fort Bragg Best Development Grocery Outlet Initial Study