SCH Number 2020120233

Project Info

Connected 2050 SBCAG RTP/SCS Final PEIR
Final Program EIR for the SBCAG RTP/SCS - Connected 2050 SBCAG has revised their RTP/SCS as required by California Government Code Section 65080 et seq., and federal guidelines pursuant to the federal Fixing American’s Surface Transpiration Act (FAST Act) and preparing an EIR for the project, called Connected 2050. SBCAG is required by federal and state law to develop an RTP /SCS that determines the needs of the transportation system and prioritizes proposed transportation projects. The RTP/SCS has a preferred scenario that includes a future land use pattern for the region and identifies policies, programs, actions, and a plan of projects intended to meet regional transportation needs and policy goals, including a regional greenhouse gas emission target for passenger vehicles for 2035 and climate goal for 2050.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Connected 2050 SBCAG RTP/SCS Final PEIR
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Connected 2050 SBCAG RTP/SCS
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Connected 2050 SBCAG RTP/SCS EIR
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Connected 2050 SBCAG RTP/SCS EIR