SCH Number 2020110243
Project Info
- Title
- Menlo Flats
- Description
- The proposed project would result in the demolition of the existing office and industrial buildings and associated improvements and redevelopment of the project site with an approximately 248,995-gross-square-foot, eight-story multi-family apartment building with approximately 158 dwelling units (a minimum of 15 percent of the units would be affordable) and approximately 15,000 square feet of nonresidential commercial and office space, as well as associated open space, circulation and parking, and infrastructure improvements. The proposed building would include an at-grade, three-level, approximately 81,990-square-foot, 176-space parking garage. A total of approximately 20,930 square feet of open space would be provided across the entire project site, including private residential open space, common open space, and publicly-accessible open space.
3 documents in project