SCH Number 2020110180
Project Info
- Title
- 4150 Point Eden Way Industrial Development Project
- Description
- The project site consists of six parcels in the City of Hayward identified as Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 461-0084-019-00, APN 461-0085-020-01, APN 461-0085-020-02, APN 461-0061-001-00, APN 461-0090-001-00, and APN 461-0090-002-00. A separate parcel, not included in the project site, separates APN 461-0085-019-00, 461-0085-020-01, and 461-0085-020-02 from APN 461-0061-001-00, 461-0090-001-00, and 461-0090-002-00. Therefore, the project site has an eastern component (APN 461-0085-019-00, 461-0085-020-01, and 461-0085-020-02) and a western component (APN 461-0061-001-00, 461-0090-001-00, and 461-0090-002-00), which are non-contiguous but nearly adjacent. The proposed project would involve the construction of a new industrial building on the eastern component of the project site and creation of an open space/wetland preserve on the western component of the project site. The proposed industrial building would be approximately 50 feet in height to finished roof. The proposed building would provide approximately 114,059 square feet of warehouse space and a 2,785-square-foot of office, for a total size of approximately 116,844 square feet. The office space would be provided at the north end of the building, facing State Route 92. The building would be used to house U-Haul storage pods, materials and trucks and their regional corporate offices. Ingress and egress to the industrial building would be from a new driveway on Point Eden Way. Surface parking would be provided along the driveway on the north and west sides of the building. Landscaping would be installed on all sides of the new building but would be concentrated on the north side of the building facing State Route 92 and along the western property line. Bioretention areas for stormwater treatment would be constructed on-site. Other required utilities, such as electric and wastewater, would connect to existing utilities within Point Eden Way. The proposed project includes a land swap for East Bay Regional Park District to relocate the Bay Trail from the current location along the eastern property line of the eastern component of the project site to meander along the southern property line and then to turn north to run along the western property line of the eastern component of the project site. The proposed project also includes establishing an approximately 32-acre preserve on the western component of the project site. The 32-acre preserve, which is characterized predominantly by remanent salt ponds, would be preserved in perpetuity via recordation of a Deed Restriction, or other appropriate legal mechanism, ensuring that the salt ponds are permanently preserved as open space in perpetuity. No conservation easement or conservator endowment would be provided.
3 documents in project